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News & Events: Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday! . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Turtle . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Chameleon . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Ringneck Snake . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday! . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Corn Snake . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Toad . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Skink . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Bearded Dragon . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday! . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Sand Boa . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Iguana . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Bullsnake . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Monitor . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Short Tail Python . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday! . . . . . . . . . .  ACTION ALERT SOUTH CAROLINA: Proposed Statewide Venomous Ban . . . . . . . . . .  Water anoles show ability to "breathe' underwater . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Cat Snake . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Chondro . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Bullsnake . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Mangrove Snake . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday! . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Coachwhip . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Rat Snake . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Rainbow Boa . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Gecko . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday! . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Salamander . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Rat Snake . . . . . . . . . .  Greater Cincinnati Herp Society Meeting - Mar 05, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Calusa Herp Society Meeting - Mar 06, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  St. Louis Herpetological Society - Mar 09, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Colorado Herp Society Meeting - Mar 15, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Chicago Herpetological Society Meeting - Mar 16, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  San Diego Herp Society Meeting - Mar 18, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Suncoast Herp Society Meeting - Mar 22, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  DFW Herp Society Meeting - Mar 22, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Bay Area Herpetological Society Meeting - Mar 28, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Tucson Herpetological Society Meeting - Mar 31, 2025 . . . . . . . . . . 

Classified Account - Terms of Service


  • Introduction
  • Classified Account Ownership & Use Rules
  • Basic Protocol Rules
  • Website Link Rules
  • Photo Gallery Use for Classified Ads Rules
  • Trademark & Copyright Rules
  • General Classified Ad Rules
  • Adoption Classified Ad Rules
  • Technical Issues Rules
  • Reporting Violations & Site Abuses
  • Account Violations and Resolutions
  • Legal
  • Feedback

    Terms of Service - Classified Account (Last Updated: 08/06/15)

    Welcome to! As with any community, our community has terms of service (TOS) to protect both us as a business, and you as a user on our web sites. Our staff and volunteer hosts (moderators) monitor and enforce these rules. If a staff member or host asks for your assistance or cooperation, please give it to help keep our sites safe and clean for all our users.

    Rules on the classifieds are in place for a number of reasons. Occasionally new rules are added, old rules changed or eliminated, and sometimes rules do not change at all, no matter how much you want them to. We make these rules based on requests from our registered users, our readers, the technical limitations of the hardware and software platforms we use, the technical limitations of the hardware and software platforms of our registered users and our readers, and legal requirements.

    Balancing all these factors, we have tried to make the system accessible to as many people as possible. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make everyone happy all the time. Please note that no rulebook is ever complete. It is always better to be safe and ask before posting, than to post something questionable or in a questionable manner. Contact the Director of Community Services on our Contact Page if you have a question. reserves the right to change these terms of service with little or no prior notice.

    By Registering for a Classified Account
    You are agreeing that you have Read and will Abide by this Terms of Service

    This terms of service covers classified advertising on the web site.

    Classified Account Ownership & Use Rules

    Individual Account - Account registered in the name of an individual person

    Business Account - Account Registered in the name of a legal business entity (Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Liability Corporation, Corporation)
    Please Note: To post ads using a business name you MUST have your legal business registration verified by our account review department. There is no extra charge. For details on how to get your business verified please see

    This classified account is a legally binding contract between, Inc. and either an individual person, or a legal business entity, depending on the name(s) entered in the classified registration agreement/registration by the registrant.

  • Only one (1) account is allowed per business or individual.

  • Accounts registered under a business name are considered business accounts. If the account is registered under a business name, the owner of the business must be listed in the registration, and NOT an employee.

  • You may only post advertisements for yourself or your business, depending on your account registration.

  • All advertisements posted with an individual account must be posted in the name of the individual that registered the account. Advertisments cannot be posted under a username.

  • All advertisements posted with a business account must be posted in the name of the business.

  • All advertisements posted with under a business name, must be with a legally registered business name, registered with the appropriate state and/or federal agencies and that legal business name must be verified by staff. For details on how to get your business verified see

  • If an employee will be posting advertisements, they must post advertisements for the business not for individuals or employees of the business.

  • Posting advertisements as both an individual and a business with one (1) account is not allowed.

  • Posting advertisements under multiple business names with one (1) account is not allowed.

  • You may NOT post advertisements for other businesses other than the business name the account is established under, regardless of whether you own all or part of those other businesses. You will need a separate account for each business entity.

  • You may NOT post advertisements for other individuals, regardless of whether they are friends, relatives or family members.

  • Manufacturers and distributors of dry goods that do not sell their products directly to the public may post classified advertisements that contain links to the specific products being sold by their retailer(s) or reseller(s). This exception does not apply to livestock.

  • Vendors are responsible for their own ads, as well as any and all complaints or legal issues arising from them.

    A classified account is a service contract established in the name of a SINGLE ENTITY. If more than one (1) person is found to be using a single account without prior permission, or that advertisements for more than one (1) individual or business are being posted using a single account, that account will be IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED with no notice or warning. If a person OTHER than the one listed in the registration form is found using the account the account will be terminated. Anyone found violating this rule is committing Theft of Service and may be prosecuted as such.

    Basic Protocol Rules

  • Posting "discussion" messages or messages of any nature that are not specifically advertisements for products, animals or services, is prohibited, and the post will be removed. This includes "SOLD" ads. If the item is sold, the ad needs to be removed.

  • Anyone using, or its other related sites and/or features to post pornography, profanity, possibly libelous or slanderous, racist, or threatening messages will immediately have their account terminated.

  • Persons using to post warnings or notices about other persons or businesses, whether vendors or not, will immediately have their account terminated.

    Website Link Rules

    The classifieds system is for vendors to sell products and services to their customers. It is not for vendors to use in place of display advertising or directory listings, to drive traffic tor their web sites, or to try to boost organic search rankings by creating "back links." Excessive or repetitive links to a vendor's website in their classified ads cause search engines to penalize both the vendor and's search engine rankings (SEO), and is not allowed.

  • You may include a single link to your website at the bottom of your advertisement or using the field provided in the ad posting form.

  • You may include links to your social media profile at the bottom of your advertisement or using the field provided in the ad posting form.

  • You may include a single linking graphic to your main website in your advertisement.

  • You may include individual links to the products in your classified advertisement.

  • You may not have any links that appear in the ad before the product in the advertisement.

  • You may not use a "toolbar" with multiple links to your website or social media profiles.

  • You may not link to any third party businesses.

    Photo Gallery Use for Classified Ads Rules

  • Classified account holders may use their personal "member" gallery within the Photo Gallery area to upload images that are intended to be used in their classified ads. You are not allowed to place images intended for commercial use within any other photo gallery. For example, you cannot upload a photo of a snake that you are trying to sell in the classifieds to the snake photo gallery.

  • Advertisements attached to any photo uploaded to the photo galleries, even the "member’s gallery" are not allowed. Any uploaded photo containing sales or other promotional text will be considered advertising and removed. In other words, you cannot have any photo titles, descriptions, or comments which state that the animal and/or item depicted in the photo is for sale, wanted, trade, barter, free to good home, adoption, etc.

    Trademark & Copyright Rules

  • The use of images or photographs or anything else that is the work product of other individuals or businesses in your classified advertising without their prior express written permission is strictly prohibited. Anyone found to be violating trademark or copyright laws, is subject to the immediate termination of this contract for breach, and their access to classified and other account services will be immediately terminated.

    General Classified Ad Rules

  • All items in an ad must have a realistic price or price range listed. Ad cannot just have a starting price.

  • No auctions may be conducted or advertised in our classifieds. This includes phrases such as "Best offer above price listed."

  • Ads posted to the incorrect classified site or section will be removed or moved to the most appropriate section.

  • Posting ads for a specific animal in multiple sections - You may not cross post an ad to multiple classified sections when there is a section specifically set aside for that animal. Example: It is not acceptable to post an ad for Leopard Geckos in the general Gecko section or a Ball Python ad in the general Python section.

  • "Blanket" Ads - There is no one advertisement that can be posted to each and every section of our classifieds. If you have an ad that has 100 animals on it and it is in the gecko section, all the animals listed have to be geckos. An ad that has a boa, a gecko, and a frog in it cannot be posted in multiple sections.

  • We only allow "for sale" and "stud service" for domestic breed puppies, kittens, cats, or dogs to qualified breeders who are pre-approved Code of Ethics breeders. Registration for our Code of Ethics registry is free, but separate and in addition to classified account registration. We do not allow "free" or "for trade" ads for puppies, kittens, cats, or dogs, even from registered breeders. We do allow "stud fee" puppies or kittens back, but we do not allow any other form of trade for cats, dogs, puppies or kittens. To apply for our Code of Ethics breeders program please go to or

  • Product Ads - All product ads belong in the appropriate product section(s). We do not allow non-animal ads in the animal sections. In other words, ads for cages, misters, feeders, books, hooks, probes, gauges, thermometers, supplies, leads, tools, t-shirts, posters, videos, expos, seminars, or any other paraphernalia no matter how closely related, are prohibited in the animal sections.

  • "Piggybacking" Products - No "Piggybacking" of items in one ad to get it to show up in an inappropriate section. No "See the Geckos at Bob's Reptile Expo" in the gecko or lizard sections or putting a cage ad in with your boa and python ad. Once again, the rules are no non-animal ads in the animal sections.

  • Trade Ads - "Trade" ads are allowed in the sale-type classified sections, however, no ad can state "For Sale OR Trade" in the subject line. You may mention in the body of your sale ad that you will accept trades and post a limited list.

  • Trades of Off Topic Products - Certain off topic items such as computers, telephones, VCRs, cameras, video equipment, and other items are allowed only in the trades section, and only at our discretion. If we review your advertisement and determine the item is inappropriate for our site, it will be removed.

  • Event Referencing - Referencing upcoming "Events" in the subject heading, name field or location field, in ads is prohibited. You may mention in the body of an ad that you will be at an upcoming event, but it cannot be the focus of the ad itself. The exception to this is if you are posting an event-only ad in the "Events" classified section.

  • Competing Classifieds / Hosting Services / Banner Ads - We do not allow people who sell services that directly compete with our primary business to advertise their competing products on our site. We certainly do not care where else they advertise them, but we do not allow it on our site.

  • Negative Advertising - We don't allow advertising that references other vendors products, businesses, or names in a negative or disparaging manner, whether directly or indirectly. If you can't sell your product or service without disparaging your competition, then you can't sell your product here.

  • Ads that have no product - Your advertisement must be selling something. It must have a specific product or animal, or group of animals offered in the advertisement itself. We do not allow ads that just say, "come to my web site for details" in the body. While we allow you to post your site URL in the ad, if your ad does not contain the details of the product, including price or a price range, listed in the subject, it will be removed. Our classifieds are not here to "build" your web site traffic; they are here to help you sell products. We have other programs for helping build website traffic; use our Contact Page to contact the Advertising/Hosting sales department about our "Storefront," banner ad programs, breeder registry/locator, and pet shop locator programs, which were designed with just that purpose in mind.

  • Banned Products/Services - We do not ever want to see ANY advertisements for long distance service, pornographic materials, weapons, multi-level marketing schemes, mortgages, gambling of any nature or anything else that is not directly related to pets. We have no place for these ads and they will not be tolerated.

    Technical Issues Rules

  • Broken Images - Advertisements with broken images will be removed. Please use the preview ads feature to verify that your images work prior to posting the ad. After posting your ad(s), please re-check to verify that your images work. If not, please remove them and try again.

  • Trampling - If an advertisement you post has backgrounds, graphics, images, text, or any other features that distort, alter, change, manipulate, modify, or hide any of our sites' advertising, text, links, graphics, or images, or affect the general look, feel or operation of our web site, that is considered "trampling" and your advertisement will be removed.

  • Off-shoring - If an advertisement you post has the main text information on the product you are advertising delivered via a third party system or web site that allows you to change, alter, or manipulate your advertisement after it has been posted, or that prevents our archiving system from archiving the advertisement, it is considered "off-shoring" and your advertisement will be removed.

  • Auto jump Scripts in ads - We do not allow the posting of advertisements with any type of "Auto jump" that re-directs users off our web site automatically or opens another browser window, or any other type of "POP-UP."

  • Multiple/consecutive special characters in the subject heading or the text of the ad - The use of multiple/consecutive special characters is banned. This includes the use of !@#$%^&*()_+~?><,.-{}[]\|/ .

  • Ad position "Jockeying" - It is a violation of this TOS to "jockey" your ads for position by posting an advertisement, removing it, and then reposting it later that day to improve its physical position on the page. You may only post the same advertisement (for the same product) once per 24-hour period.

  • Multiple posts - You may post up to SIX (6)ads per day per section. You cannot post the same ad six (6)times. The ads must be for different animals or products. Items may only be posted once per day. You cannot post the same item in multiple ads.

  • Time and Date - In respect to time and date, it should be common sense that the times and dates stamped on the advertisement when posted are the times and dates used in enforcing the six (6) posts per day rule, and/or any other rules that are based on time and date.

    Reporting Violations & Site Abuses

    Reporting violations or problems through the proper channels will help insure that the appropriate staff receives your report.

  • All ads posted on the classified forums contain a 'report abuse' link within them. If you wish to report an ad for violation of our terms of service, please use that link provided (found above the contents of the ad).

  • Posting your problems, complaints or warnings on our discussion or classified forums is a good way to lose YOUR privileges, and not impact the person you're complaining about at all. If you have a problem with or a complaint against a classified vendor, please take the time to review the Classifieds Terms of Service and the complaint/rip-off page and if necessary file a complaint with the Classifieds Abuse Coordinator (remember to select the appropriate website and to select the "Classifieds" section on the form).

    Account Violations & Resolutions

  • Vendor Complaints - Please note that UNLESS the complaint involves non-delivery of goods or theft, all vendors have a three-complaint rule. Get three (3) complaints and you have to resolve them ALL before we can allow you to post again.

  • Any complaints of non-delivery of goods, non-payment of goods received, or theft are cause for immediate suspension of your account.

  • Be aware that we are require people filing vendor complaints to file a complaint at the FBI's Online Fraud Center, so before you add that "extra" couple of inches to that tortoise, lizard, or snake, ask yourself, "Is it really worth it to have the FBI show up at my house?" As for scammers and fraud artists - we do prosecute and have already been involved with a number of arrests and prosecutions. Additional information can be found here: Vendor Complaint / Ripped Off?

  • Anyone who has had their account terminated for complaints, violations of our terms of service, or any other site bans may NOT re-register in any format, under any circumstances. Attempting to circumvent this system by registering under the name of a friend, family member, or any form of alias, will cause that account to be immediately terminated, and you will be prosecuted for fraud. Anyone who knowingly assists someone in fraudulently obtaining an account will have their site services canceled and will themselves be banned, and prosecuted for fraud.

  • Intentional / Repeat Violations of TOS - Anyone intentionally violating this TOS, or continuing to violate this TOS after receiving notice/warning of a TOS violation is subject to having their account privileges restricted or terminated with no warning or notice. If you receive a TOS violation notice, take no corrective action, and violate the same section of the TOS again, your account privileges may be restricted or terminated with no warning or notice.

    Please keep in mind that by registering and using our sites and services, you are agreeing that you have read, and will abide by, our Terms of Service. reserves the right the right to edit, move, or remove any advertisements posted to our classifieds at our discretion.

    Being Abusive/Belligerent/Argumentative to Staff - All of the services we provide, whether in classifieds or forums, we provide as a service, and grant you the privilege to use them. If you violate that privilege, either knowingly or unknowingly, we may contact you and ask you to stop. If you persist or become abusive, belligerent, or argumentative with an employee, we have the right and the ability to revoke your classified account and other site privileges and cancel your services.

    Our volunteers and employees are doing their jobs and being abused is not part of the job. No customer or business pays us enough money to be abused, and we have no time to deal with abusive individuals or companies. There are now a number of people who have lost their access by being abusive. If you receive a warning about an ad or a message board post, or find your ads or posts missing, think twice before you hit the send key.


    Please note that we take all reports of criminal activity very seriously and work closely with law enforcement agencies, local, state, and federal, on a regular basis. If you know of criminal activity occurring on this web site, we encourage you to contact the proper law enforcement agency, file a formal complaint, and ask the agency involved to contact our legal department.

    Any violations of the terms listed above that cause your account to be terminated will cause any and all registration or advertising fees paid to be forfeit to, Inc.

    Be aware that if you violate our Terms Of Service,, Inc. may delete or edit your messages, contact your internet service provider, have your account terminated, cancel your advertising, and/or block your access to our web site. and its affiliated communities reserve the right to terminate any account, refuse service, or limit access at our discretion.

    Registration and use of our online communities is considered a contract between the registrant and, Inc. under the laws of the State of Texas, and United States federal law. This contract is not transferable nor may it be reassigned to any individual or business without the prior written consent of, Inc.

    By agreeing to the classified terms of service contract terms listed above and registering for a classified account, you are agreeing that any and all legal conflicts with, Inc. will be resolved in the Texas court system.

    As per the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 "the user is accessing a private computer" and "unauthorized access or use is not permitted and constitutes a crime punishable by law".

    By Registering for a Classified Account
    You are agreeing that you have Read and will Abide by this Terms of Service


    We like to hear from our users. Literally hundreds of ideas suggested by our members have become a part of Your opinions matter to us!

    We are always open to suggestions on how we can improve our classifieds to make them more enjoyable and our site policies more useful. However, please understand that when we make, change, or eliminate rules, we have to consider a variety of ways they impact the web site, and just because it appears to be a good thing, from our perspective your suggestion may in fact be unworkable.

    Feedback from registered users of the communities and non-registered users may submit feedback to the Director of Community Services through our Contact Page.